Contribute to Julia packages

This is a really short guide on how to contribute to a Julia package.

Contribute to a community package

  1. Fork the original repository (probably the #master branch).

  2. You may create a separate Julia environment for the project (see below).

  3. Clone your forked repo: (activeProject) pkg> dev "link-to-your-forked-repo". It will show it's directory, which is a proper git clone of the repo. It will be something like C:/Users/cstamas/.julia/dev.

  4. Modify the files as you want, commit the changes.

  5. When you're ready, create a pull request on GitHub.

  6. You can undo the dev command with free.

Other sources

Here are the Julia community standards, and the contributing instructions for Julia. Also Katharine Hyatt's Making a first Julia pull request is a really good guide on contributing to Julia.