How to create and use Julia environments

This is a really short guide on how to create and use your own or others environments. This is a shortlist of the official Pkg documentation.

Create a new environment

shell> mkdir MyProject

shell> cd MyProject

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

(MyProject) pkg> st
   Status `Project.toml`

Latter is equivalent to using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".").

Use an environment

This must be called before every use of this environment. Use pwd() to determine if you're in a good folder.

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

Use someone else's project

Simply clone their project using e.g. git clone, cd to the project directory and call

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

(SomeProject) pkg> instantiate

It will install the desired packages, that are in the that manifest.